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Corpus Christi Elevator and Escalator Accident Attorneys

Have you been injured in an accident involving an elevator or escalator? If so, contact the experienced Corpus Christi elevator and escalator accident lawyers at Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys today. Accidents involving elevators and escalators account for approximately 30 deaths and 17,000 injuries in the United States each year, with elevators being responsible for roughly 90 percent of the deaths and 60 percent of the injuries. While accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, they are often the result of another party’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing.

When an individual is injured due to another party’s wrongful behavior, they may be entitled to compensation. Contact Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys today at 361-888-8808 to learn more about whether you have a viable legal claim and how you may be compensated for your resulting injuries and expenses.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

Hiring an attorney to represent you when you have been injured in an elevator or escalator accident can significantly increase your likelihood of success. Lawyers know the laws, can play to the strengths of your case and can highlight the weaknesses in the opposition’s case. They can also determine who may held liable for your injuries.

It is important to remember that multiple parties may be liable in the event of an elevator or escalator accident. The property owner or manager, maintenance company, manufacturer, or some combination of all these parties may have been responsible for your accident. Identifying the at-fault party may require an in-depth investigation and knowledge of the law, so hiring a lawyer is crucial.

With a lawyer on your side, you can focus on recovering from your injuries while they take care of the complicated legal work required. You are likely to receive a much higher settlement with a lawyer’s help than you would trying to handle your case on your own.

Why Choose Us?

At Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys, we pride ourselves on giving clients personal attention and individualized representation. This is because, with over 50 years of experience representing clients from to coast, we understand that our clients’ needs vary. In many instances, our clients are still trying to recover from a life-changing event when they come to us for help. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team believe that those responsible for injuring others need to be held liable for their actions. Over the years, we have collected millions of dollars for clients. We offer free case evaluations, and if we proceed with your case, we do not collect attorney’s fees until you get paid.

Cases We Handle

At Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys, we handle a wide range of premises liability cases, including those in which an individual is injured by an elevator or an escalator. Many people use elevators and escalators on a daily basis in:

  • Residential buildings
  • Offices or commercial buildings
  • Airports
  • Shopping malls

Property owners and managers who have elevators and escalators on their premises have a duty to ensure that the equipment is working properly and does not harm anyone. When an elevator or escalator causes injury, those responsible for operating the equipment may be held liable if they:

  • Failed to properly maintain the elevator or escalator
  • Failed to have the elevator or escalator inspected
  • Did not warn users about the potential dangers of using the elevator or escalator

Furthermore, an individual may suffer injuries from an elevator or escalator as a result of another party’s intentional wrongdoing. Whether you suffered injuries due to negligence or intentional wrongdoing, the lawyers at Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys are here to help you get the compensation you may be owed for:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills and ongoing treatment
  • Lost of damaged property
  • Pain and suffering

Additionally, in the event that a loved one dies as the result of an accident involving an escalator or an elevator, we can help you file a wrongful death suit to recover compensation for their final expenses and your loss of support.

Contact Us

Elevator and escalator accidents are serious and can leave victims overwhelmed for months afterward. At Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys, we do not believe that you should have to deal with the aftermath of an accident by yourself. Our premises liability attorneys are ready to fight for your rights and help ensure that you are properly compensated for any damages you may have suffered. For a free and confidential case evaluation, contact Brunkenhoefer, P.C. Injury Attorneys today by calling 361-888-8808.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People